EnterTheAbyss Mac OS

broken image

The history of macOS, Apple's current Mac operating system originally named Mac OS X until 2012 and then OS X until 2016, began with the company's project to replace its 'classic' Mac OS.That system, up to and including its final release Mac OS 9, was a direct descendant of the operating system Apple had used in its Macintosh computers since their introduction in 1984. As a member of an elite squad, you penetrate into an abyss myriametres deep, fighting against unknown creatures. Survive and explore this huge underground world. In this game, you need to design and construct Turrets in real-time to defend against continuous attacks of your enemy.

[Top][Contents][Index][ ? ]

This manual describes how to install and play Enigma. It correspondsto Enigma version 1.00.

Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Daniel Heck and other contributors

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyrightnotice and this notice are preserved.

1. Introduction Getting started with Enigma
2. The Game How to play Enigma
3. Some Game Objects Description of some game objects
4. Advanced Topics Futher features and administration
5. Spoilers Tips for some difficult levels
6. Credits Credits and `Thank You's
1.1 About Enigma Some facts about Enigma
1.2 Installation Getting and installing Enigma
1.3 Distributing Enigma Give copies to your friends!

1.1 About Enigma

To say that Enigma is a puzzle game is an understatement. Enigma isreally a huge collection of puzzle games, and each of its 550 uniquelevels challenges the intelligence, dexterity and sheer willpower ofits players anew. Enigma is simple to learn, challenging to play andhard to master. It can be enjoyed by players of almost any age. Itcontains hundreds of levels. And if that weren't enough, it's alsocompletely free. If you like puzzle games and have a steady hand,Enigma will probably keep you busy for hours on end.

The object of the game is to find and uncover pairs of identicallycolored `Oxyd' stones. Simple? Yes. Easy? Certainly not! Hiddentraps, vast mazes, laser beams, and, most of all, countless hairypuzzles usually block your direct way to the Oxyd stones. Enigma'sgame objects (and there are hundreds of them, lest you get bored)interact in many unexpected ways, and since many of them follow the laws ofphysics (Enigma's special laws of physics, that is), controlling themwith the mouse isn't always trivial .

The original goal of the Enigma project was to keep the spirit of theOxyd game series alive, after its publisher decided in 2002 to leavethe gaming business. Fans of this famous game will have theirdéjà-vu. But over the years, Enigma has absorbed ideasfrom countless other popular games, and added its own unique twists toeach of them.

Enigma is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and most flavors of Linux and other modern Unices. It has been translated to many languages. Even this manual isavailable in several languages.

There is an official homepage forEnigma that contains screen shots, downloads, latest news, and the mostrecent version of this manual.The Enigma developers can always be reached by email atenigma-devel@nongnu.org.

Enigma is free software, i.e., you are encouraged to copy it and giveit to your friends (see section Distributing Enigma). Enigma is developedby a small group of volunteers, all of us working in our free time.If you like the game please send us an email. It's probably the onlything we will ever get in return for the countless hours we have putinto this game.

1.2 Installation

The latest version of Enigma can be downloaded from Enigma'sDownload Page. This page contains packages for the following operatingsystems:


The Windows version of Enigma is distributed as a self-installingexecutable. Simply download and run the provided `.exe' file.


Binary packages exist for some popular Linux distributions like SUSE,Redhat, or Debian. For other Unix-like operating systems, buildingEnigma from source is usually the easiest solution.

Mac OS X

No installation is necessary for the OS X version, simply execute the`.dmg' or `.tar.gz' file.

The download page usually contains more detailed and up-to-dateinformation. If you cannot get Enigma to work on your computer, feelfree to ask for help on the Enigma mailing list(enigma-devel@nongnu.org).

1.3 Distributing Enigma

Enigma is free software and may be distributed under the terms of theGNU General Public License (GPL). This license comes with everyEnigma release (either in file `COPYING' or in file`COPYING.txt'). If all you want to do is play Enigma, youdon't really need to read all that legalese (you probably wouldn'tanyway). For you, the license basically says: Play Enigma as much asyou want, as long as you want, and be sure to give it to all yourfriends!

If you want to modify Enigma or contribute to its further development,please do read the license, if only this one time in your life.The GPL insures that Enigma will remain free software in the future.In particular, if you modify Enigma or distribute modified version,you may not deny anyone else the right to use, modify, and distributeEnigma or its derivatives.

The preceding two paragraphs are no substitute for the real license,but a summary of its main traits in plain English. Please consult theGPL or ask if you are unsure or if you need to know more details.

2.1 Getting Started Navigating the menus and starting a game
2.2 Rules of the Game How to play Enigma
2.3 Controls Keyboard and mouse commands

2.1 Getting Started

After starting Enigma, you will be confronted with the main menu, fromwhere you can start a new game, set some options, or leave the game ifyou've had enough. The following sections will give you a quick tourof the level menu and the options menu; everything else is hopefullyself-explanatory. Many menus provide an online help; simply press theF1 key.

2.1.1 The Level Menu Choose the next level
2.1.2 The Level Pack Menu Select a level pack
2.1.3 Game Options Adapt Enigma to you preferences
2.1.4 The Level Inspector Detail information about a level

2.1.1 The Level Menu

Pressing 'Start Game' in the main menu leads you to the level menu,which looks something like this:

The screen consists of three areas: the top area contains informationabout the currently selected level and the current level pack, themiddle area displays an overview of the available levels and at thebottom is a row of buttons.

You can move around the list of levels using either the small arrowbuttons to the right or using the arrows keys. To start a new game,simply click on the preview image of the landscape you want to play orpress RET.

Enigma has two difficulty settings: 'easy' and 'normal.' Toswitch between easy and normal difficulty, press the center button inthe bottom row: switch to the icon displaying a silver medal with afeather if you prefer simpler levels, or to the gold medal for thenormal, more difficult, game mode.

Not all levels are available in a simplified version; those that doare marked with a feather (if you did not solve it yet) or with asilver medal in the upper left corner of their preview image.

You can jump to the next level either by pressing F5 or by pushing the>>| button in the bottom row. The meaning of 'next' in theprevious sentence depends on themode that you selected with the left-most icon button in the bottom row.

  • A steady black marble icon stands for 'strictly next'. You will get the next levelin the level pack regardless of whether you already solved that levelor not.
  • The icon that displays medals that are ready for honoring stands for next unsolved mode. In this mode the >>| buttons moves to the nextunsolved level.
  • The icon with the speeding black marble stands for the par mode. Par is the professionalaverage rating for a level. This represents a score that should be reachablefor a skilled player. Levels where your score is equal to or lowerthan this par value will be marked with the speeding marble icon. In this mode the>>| button moves to the next level with a score below par.
  • Finally a world icon is provided for the world record hunt mode. If your scoreis the best score ever recorded you will be honored with the world record icon.If you select this mode a level will be played again and again until youreach the world record.

The level may be additionally labeled with a small red triangle with an exclamation mark in the upper left corner. This sign should inform you that the levelwas updated since you last solved it. You will probably only see thiswhen you update Enigma to a newer version.

You can navigate the level menu with the following keys:


Return to the last menu


Display help


Move to next level, identical to the >>| button


Change selected level


Play selected level


Move to next level pack


Move to previous level pack

2.1.2 The Level Pack Menu

Enigma comes with many levels. Many, many levels, in fact. To keepsthings orderly, they have been organized into 'level packs'. And because every release of Enigma added more levels, we even had to organize the level packs themselves into 'groups'. Butluckily, this is all a lot easier than it sounds.

To select the level pack, you have to enter the 'Level Pack' menu towhich is accessible from the main menu or the level menu.

This menu shows the groups in the left column and the level packs of the selected group in the other columns to the right. The official groupsthat ship with Enigma are the following:

  • Enigma - levels that are written just for Enigma
  • Déjà-vu - levels that you may have seen before
  • Sokoban
  • Facets - special sortings and views of the levels above
  • User - personal levels and level packs like History, automatically generated by the system for the user.
  • Development - templates and unfinished levels from the Enigma Team
  • All Packs

Left clicks select a group or a level pack.

For description of further features of level packs see User Level Packs.

2.1.3 Game Options

The options menu allows you to adapt Enigma to your preferences.


Choose the language for the menus and (if available) for thein-level-documents.


Toggles between full screen and windowed display. You can also useAlt-RET to do this, even when you are not in the optionsmenu. Note: On some systems you have to return to the main menuto switch from window to full screen or vice versa.

Video mode

This button lets you change the video mode used by Enigma. Enigma doesnot switch the video mode immediately but waits until you return to themain menu.

Gamma correction

If neccessary, adjust here the brightness of the display.

Mouse speed

Determines how quickly your marble accelerates when you move themouse. You can use the left and right arrow key to change the mousespeed during the game.

Sound volume

The volume of sound effects during the game.

Sound set

This button lets you choose the set of sound effects Enigma uses duringthe game. If you use Enigma with the original Oxyd data files, thisoptions lets you use the original Oxyd sounds in all levels.

Music volume

The volume of the background music in the menu.


Toggle between 'normal' stereo, 'reversed' stereo, and mono sound.

Ratings update

If set to `Auto' Enigma will try to download new rating data from timeto time. This will update public ratings, world records, par scores, etc.See section Registering Scores.

User name

Enter your name or alias that you want be attached to your records if youupload the enigma.score. See section Registering Scores.

User path

The path where Enigma stores all your user data. Free xvid player for mac. Refer to the reference manualfor more information.

Use image path

The path where Enigma stores all your user image data. Refer to the referencemanual for more information.

2.1.4 The Level Inspector

To view more detail information about a level you can call the level inspector.Just right or control click on the level's preview image in the level menu.

You can compare your scores to the world record, the par, the level author'sscore. Even some statistics about how many players solved a level are provided.

Besides all the other information that is described in detail in the referencemanual you can enter a small annotation to a level and can rate the level.

Please note the annotation text field may allow you just to enter ASCII characters depending on the system Enigma is running.

The rating is your personal impression of the level. `-' stands for noopinion. 0 - for very bad, 5 - for average, 10 - for best of best. The ratingswill be sent back with your scores (see section Registering Scores).

Last but not least you can use the Level Inspector to view screen shots that you made while playing a level (see section Controls).

2.2 Rules of the Game

2.2.1 Normal landscapes
2.2.2 Two-player landscapes
2.2.3 Meditation landscapes

2.2.1 Normal landscapes

The basic idea behind Enigma is simple: In most levels you control asmall black marble and have to find and 'open' matching pairs ofso-called Oxyd stones. Closed Oxyd stones look like this(there are four different variants, but they all behave the same):

When you touch an Oxyd stone with your marble, it opens and reveals acolor symbol. There are two Oxyd stones with the same symbol in everylandscape. You must touch two matching stones in succession to openthem permanently--if the symbols don't match, the first Oxyd stonecloses again. To finish a landscape you have to find and open all pairsof Oxyd stones. In the following image you see a pair of green Oxydstones that is already open. The question mark inside the blue Oxydstone indicates that the second blue symbol is still hidden somewhere.

By the way: if you have not already done so, now is a good time tostart Enigma and play the first couple of levels!

You can pick up objects on the floor by moving over them. Theinventory at the bottom of the screen displays the list of items inyour possession. At the beginning of a new game you will beequipped with nothing but two spare marbles. The following pictureshows an inventory containing a shovel, a piece of paper, two bars ofdynamite, your extra lifes, and an umbrella:

The leftmost object can be activated by pressing the left mouse button:It will either drop to the floor or perform some action. Dynamite, forexample, starts to burn when you drop it, and springs make your marblejump. Press the right mouse button or use the mouse wheel to reorderthe objects in the inventory.

If, for some reason, you do not want to pick up items, hold down anymouse button while moving around. You may find this useful in a fewsituations.

Many stones can be moved if you push them hard enough. One of themost useful movable stones is the wooden stone, which can be used tobuild bridges across water and abyss. This image shows how to build abridge by dumping wooden stones into the water:

Game objects interact with each other in surprising ways: Objects lyingon the floor, for example, can be transformed using laser beams andmovable stones. And many stones behave differently if you hit them witha particular object in the first slot of your inventory (the magic wandbeing the best-known object in this category).

Last but not least: Don't feel discouraged by the apparent complexityof the game--the behaviour of most objects will become clear in duecourse. Some of the obscurer objects are explained in Some Game Objects.

2.2.2 Two-player landscapes

Some bad news first: Enigma does not yet support Internet or networkgames. In this respect, the two-player landscapes are reallysingle-player landscapes where you can switch between two marbles: theblack one you're already used to, and an additional white marble:

You can tell that you're on a two-player level by the little Yin-Yangsymbol in your inventory. Activating this object switches from theblack to the white marble and vice versa.

2.2.3 Meditation landscapes

In the so-called meditation landscapes your job is quite different:Instead of finding matching Oxyd stones, you have to put a number ofsmall white marbles into pits on the floor. The level is finished assoon as every marble rests in its own pit.

Be careful though: All marbles move together and a sudden mousemovement can easily push some of them out of their pits. Meditationlandscapes usually require a very steady hand and a lot of patience(which is, incidentally, why they are called meditation landscapes!).

2.3 Controls

Here is a list of controls during the game. (You need not memorize itnow-you can always display this list during the game by pressing theF1 key.)

Left mouse button

Use first item in inventory

Right mouse button/mouse wheel

Rotate inventory items


Display game menu


Display help screen


Kill the current marble


Restart the current level


Move to the next level

Enter the abyss mac os 13

Move to the next unsolved level


Take a screen shot

Left arrow

Decrease mouse speed

Right arrow

Increase mouse speed


Toggle between full screen and windowed display (doesn't work on allsystems immediately)


Return to the level menu immediately

There are dozens of different game objects you will see in Enigma'slevels. We just want to describe a small assorted set of them here. Ifyou're new to Enigma, you might want to start with the levels in thetutorial pack? Just start Enigma, choose 'Level Pack', then thebutton 'Enigma' in the upper-left corner, then 'Tutorial' on theright. Start with the first level 'Oxyd Stones 1'. The tutorial willshow you the most important objects and ideas, and some of the easierlevels of Enigma.

3.1 Items
3.2 Stones

3.1 Items

3.1.1 Explosives Dynamite and bombs
3.1.2 Umbrellas
3.1.3 Flags Setting the respawn point

3.1.1 Explosives

There are three types of explosives you can come across in Enigma.The most harmless is the stick of dynamite. It doesn't do much damageto floor tiles or neighboring stones when it explodes, but it isuseful for destroying certain stones and for igniting nearby bombs.

Black bombs are powerful enough to destroy most floor tiles and manyother objects. For most purposes, they are the explosive of choice.White bombs have the explosive power of five black bombs-get awayquickly if you see them burn!

3.1.2 Umbrellas

Use umbrellas to make your marble invulnerable for a short amount oftime (ten seconds to be exact). When you activate an umbrella, a whitehalo will appear around your marble for as long as the protection lasts.If the halo starts to blink, you have three seconds to move your marbleto a safe place.

3.1.3 Flags

Flags are primarily useful on long and dangerous journeys. If yourmarble is destroyed, the new marble will appear where you lastdropped a flag, instead of at the beginning of the level. There are twotypes of flags: a black one and a white one, which set the startingpoint of the black and the white marble respectively.

3.2 Stones

3.2.1 Lethal Stones
3.2.2 Swap Stones
3.2.3 Mirrors
3.2.4 Oneway Stones
3.2.5 Shogun Stones
3.2.6 Bolder Stones
3.2.7 Puzzle Stones
3.2.8 Mail Stones

3.2.1 Lethal Stones

There are two kinds of stones that you should avoid at all costs, atleast if you do not have an umbrella to protect your precious marble.

The skull stone is as unhealthy as it looks; touch it andperish. Really, you have been warned. There's an even more cunningvariant that is invisible; don't forget your magic glasses.

The black knight often guards important passageways, and he'sgenerally not in the mood to let you pass. Bring a goodargument to 'convince' him.

3.2.2 Swap Stones

Swap stones do not simply move to an adjacent (empty) field when beingpushed; instead, they change places with the stone they are beingpushed into. The only way to move a swap stone from one place toanother is consequently to repeatedly interchange it with other'normal' stones.

3.2.3 Mirrors

Laser beams can be deflected with the help of mirror stones.There are two types of mirrors in Enigma: plane mirrors and triangularmirrors. A plane mirror behaves like an ordinary mirror: An incominglaser beam is reflected if it is perpendicular to the mirror anddeflected to the left or right if it hits the mirror at an angle of 45degrees.

Triangular mirrors are a little more tricky: The three faces behavelike regular mirrors, either reflecting or deflecting an incidentbeam. But a beam that falls on the tip of the triangle gets splitinto two outgoing beams that travel in opposite directions.

Both types of mirrors can additionally be semitransparent ormovable. Semitransparent mirrors deflect part of the incoming beamjust like their opaque siblings do, but part of the beam continuesunchanged. Movable mirrors are mounted on a light gray stone,immovable mirrors on a dark gray stone.

You can turn mirrors by touching them lightly with your marble. But becareful with mirrors that is already inside a laser beam, it is easy toinadvertently destroy your marble!

3.2.4 Oneway Stones

One can only pass these stones in one direction. Whole labyrinths canbe build out of them, but mostly they force you to complete one partof the level before passing to the next one.

You have problems with a oneway stone that blocks your way? Maybe amagic item is able to help you .

3.2.5 Shogun Stones

In some levels you will encounter blinking blue dots on the floor.They can be activated with the right combination of shogunstones, whereupon they usually do something useful like opening doorsor creating bridges.

A small blinking dot is activated by moving a shogun stone with asmall hole on top of it. To activate the bigger dots a single shogunstone is not sufficient. Instead, you have to properly stack two or threeshogun stones by pushing stones with small holes into stones withlarger holes. If you want to activate a medium sized dot, forexample, you have to first place a shogun stone with a medium sizedhole on it and then push a small-holed stone into the bigger one.

3.2.6 Bolder Stones

Bolder stones move in the directionshown by the arrow on them until they bump into another stone. Maybethey block your way and you have to get rid of them some way or theother. But never, never stand in front of one, as it shatters yourmarble instantly, when the bolder stone overruns it!

However, you might make use of them, too, as they are able to openoxyds, when they bump into them. And you can redirect the bolderstones in several ways .

3.2.7 Puzzle Stones

Puzzle stones derive their name from the fact that individual stonescan be put together like the pieces of a puzzle. Puzzle stones havesockets on some or all of their four sides which can attach to socketson adjacent stones. Once linked up, groups of puzzle stones move as aunit. You can use these blocks, for example, to build bridges acrossabyss or water.

When hit with a magic wand, puzzle stones behave differently. If theblock of puzzle stones is fully connected (i.e., it has no opensockets), the block immediately starts to explode, stone by stone. Ifthe block is not fully connected, the stones in the row or column thatwas hit get shifted by one place either horizontally or vertically.

There's a rare variant of the common puzzle stone that behaves alittle differently. The main habitat of this are the levels of Oxyd1, and it's recognizable by the color of its pipes, which is orangeinstead of the usual blue. These puzzle stones cannot be moved as aunit. They behave like the blue puzzle stones do when you hit themwith a magic wand: the block explodes if it's fully connected, orthe touched row or column of the block gets shuffled.

3.2.8 Mail Stones

Mail stones can be used to send items from your inventory to someinaccessible place in the landscape. When you roll against a mailstone, the first object in your inventory gets removed and put at theend of the pipeline attached to the mail stone. In most cases youwill have to build this pipeline yourself, for example by 'mailing'individual pipe objects.

Be careful: the mail stone does not work if there is already an objectat the end of the pipeline. It's very easy to inadvertently sendobjects that afterwards block the pipeline, so be careful!

4.1 User Level Packs History, Search Results and Auto
4.2 Backup What to backup for security
4.3 Registering Scores Let the world know your success
4.4 Updating Enigma Keeping scores and levels on an update

Enter The Abyss Mac Os X

4.1 User Level Packs

The Level Pack Menu provides some additional features. The`User' group has three level packs that are initially empty:`Auto Folder', `History' and `Search Result'.

By clicking on the `Search' button in the level pack menu you can search inthe pool of levels. Just move the mouse to the text field and enter the string tosearch. You may search within author, title and file name. The search is case insensitve. For example, you can search for the string 'jump'. The resulting levels will be provided as a level pack called 'Search Results'.

The level pack `History' is updated automatically with every level you play.This may be useful if you look for a level you played last week but do not knowthe keywords to search for.

The `Auto Folder' is a level pack that you can use to add newlevels, for example levels you download from the Internet or write yourself. The folder in which you shouldstore the levels is `levels/auto' on the `User Path' as shown inGame Options. Levels in this folder are automatically found andloaded by Enigma when it starts.

Enigma provides many more useful features beyond the scope of this manual.Please read the reference manual for more details.

4.2 Backup

If you are afraid of losing all your scores due to a hard drivefailure, or if you want to transfer your scores from one computer toanother, it is helpful to know how to back up Enigma's statusinformation. To do that, first look up `User Path' from Enigma'sGame Options menu. You can simply back up that folder--theimportant files are `enigma.score' and `state.xml'.

4.3 Registering Scores

For registration of your scores you need to send us the `enigma.score'file located at the folder `User Path'. Please look at the projecthomepage for more detailed instructions.

To automatically download the updated world record score lists you just need toenable the option `Ratings Update'.

4.4 Updating Enigma

If you did not customize your old Enigma version simply deinstall the oldversion and install the new one. That is all you have to do as your scores willbe updated automatically.

Just in case you added levels to the Enigma installation directories you haveto backup them prior deinstallation. After that you can safely deinstall theold version and install the new one.

The old score file `~/.enigmarc2' for systems with a `HOME' environmentvariable or `./Application Data/enigmarc.lua2' for HOMEless Windows systemsis converted automatically to the new score format. You can remove the old scoreafter the first successful run of Enigma 1.00.

If you want to read levels that you saved from the old installation pleaseread the reference manual.

This chapter contains hints for some of the difficult levels. You arestrongly advised not to read the spoilers unless you arecompletely stuck. Some levels are intentionally difficult and evenveteran Enigma players need hours to solve them. Some levels areeasier to solve in easy game mode (see section The Level Menu).

5.1 Walkthrough for Advanced Tutorial
5.2 Hints for Several Levels

5.1 Walkthrough for Advanced Tutorial

The landscapes in the 'Tutorial' level pack are supposed to be easy.Except for the last one, which is not . This section of the manual wascontributed by Jacob Scott.

This walkthrough is for my level 'Advanced Tutorial' in the'Tutorial' level pack (to change level packs, click on 'Level Pack'at the bottom-left of the screen and select a level pack). While youare playing, you should read all the documents in a room as soon aspossible.

The final goal for this level, as for most Enigma levels, is to find andhit 'Oxyd' stones with your black ball. When you hit an oxyd stone, itopens and shows a color. If you hit two oxyd stones of the same color ina row, they will both stay open. Once you've matched up all pairs ofoxyd stones in a level, you have completed the level.

The level contains about twenty rooms, organized into three separateareas. In the first area, you will be encounter some of the basicblocks and floor types you will see in Enigma levels and solve a coupleof simple puzzles. The second area is more challenging and willintroduce you to a useful technique in outthinking an active enemy. Thethird and final area leads you to experiment with more advancedinteractions between Enigma objects. In this particular level, all ofthe oxyd stones can be found in a single room at the end of area 3.

5.1.1 Area 1

You start in a room surrounded by immovable walls except for a gap tothe right, some water near the bottom-left, and a closed gate near thetop-left.

Room 1: Go through the gap in the wall to the right.

Room 2: Simply avoid the blocks with pictures of skulls on them.

Room 3: Push the four wooden blocks into the water in the same row tocreate a bridge to the opposite bank. Now hit the blackish blocks to theright. Move the tan blocks out of the way (maybe to the left) andbridge to the right with the two wooden blocks.

Room 4: Go close to the top. When it begins to chase you, lead it tothe left and around the blocks in the center of the room. Once the topis far enough away from the entrance to the next room, run through.

Room 5: The only dangers here are the skulls near the bottom of theroom. The first floor type is metal--this floor is similar to the'leaves' floor that you have been traveling on so far. The next floortype is 'red'--it is somewhat difficult to slow down or speed up onthis floor. The third floor type is ice--there is little friction onthis floor. The last floor type is space--there is no friction here;you can't change velocity (speed and direction) when you are on thistype of floor.

Room 6: Simply go over the slopes. Then exit to the left by passing overthe 'inverse' floor--when you are on this type of floor and you pushthe mouse (or similar controller) in one direction, the ball speeds upin the opposite direction (if you are having trouble here, try turningyour mouse around 180 degrees).

Room 7: Try to get the extra ball by putting the movable block on thelower trigger. First hit it up one square and then left sixsquares. Next hit it five squares down and two squares to the right.Finally hit it one square up and one square to the left. Take the extraball and then put the block on the other trigger to open the gate in theleft wall of the room.

Room 8: Take the dynamite (you will have to go on the ice) and drop itin front of the yellow blocks to blow them up and get past. The spadeis unnecessary but you should still experiment with it.

Room 9: Hit the lowest movable block to the left. Now the boulderstrying to go to the right are blocking your path. Hit the rightmostmovable block (to the left or to the right) to let the boulderspast. Take the magic wand (don't accidentally hit any boulders whenthe magic wand is in the front of your inventory) and hit the movableblock above the water down. Now go back to the right of the room, putthe magic wand in the front of your inventory, and hit the top threeboulders of the long column (try not to get run over by anyboulders). Hit the leftmost movable block to the left and go into thenext room.

Room 10: Hit the switch. Now hit the two tan blocks up (one squareeach). Hit the middle (from top to bottom) wooden block to the left andthe wooden block that used to be right above it up into the water. Hitthe rest of the blocks into the water in the same column (try not todrown). Now hit the window (the blue line) with high speed. Take theball and cross over to the bridge into the first room. From there gothrough the open gate.

5.1.2 Area 2

In area two, you will encounter a rotor, which is an active enemy ofyour black ball. Different rotors can act slightly differently, but theyare never very smart. The way to get past it is to trick it to do whatyou want it to do, while keeping yourself out of danger.

Look around this area (but don't hit the movable block yet). You need toget through the three closed gates at the top of this area.

First gate: Hit the white ball to the left (don't accidentally gothrough the black one-way block) to free it (this may require a fewtries). Take the spoon and hit the white ball through the white one-wayblock hard enough so that it doesn't get stuck. Now go through the blackone-way block and hit the white ball through the passageway. Hit thewhite ball hard enough through the next white one-way block so itdoesn't get stuck beneath it. Once the white ball is through, use thespoon; you restart at the beginning of the level and are no longertrapped. Go back up through the gate--the first gate near the top ofthis room is open.

Second gate: Hit the movable block in the rightmost room of this area tothe right and run. A document with useful information should appear inthe gate connecting area one and area two. Bring the rotor (by making itchase you, like you did with the top) to above the wall to the right ofthe gate between the first two areas. Run through the gate and go overthe bridge to the room below you. Hit the switch to close the gate andreturn to the room where you initially started. You will no longer beable to see the rotor--it won't be in the room where you will be--butif you look carefully, you will be able to see where it is. The goalhere is to, without exposing yourself to any danger, get the rotor to goto a trigger and open a gate for you. Get the rotor to follow you fromthe top-right of this room to the top-left of the room. It should bepushed to the left by some slopes. Bring the rotor down on the leftuntil it will not continue and you hear the sound of a trigger beingpushed. Hit the switch to open the gate and return to area two--thesecond gate should be open.

Third gate: Simply hit the movable block that the rotor started underto the trigger in the room where it started. Return to the room to yourleft--the third gate should be open. Go through the three opengates.

5.1.3 Area 3

In area three you need to explore the interactions between particularEnigma objects. Here you will find lasers, mirrors, and coins. You willneed to solve a simple laser-and-mirror puzzle to get a laser to hit aparticular stone, which will open a bridge to the next room. To get pastthe next few rooms, you will need to create some new objects by hittingexisting objects with the laser beam.

In the first part of this area there are three mirrors and a laser witha switch.

Room 1: You need to get the laser to hit the black stone. Hit thebottom-left mirror down one square and orient it so that it looks like a' by hitting it slowly (it should be thirty squares directly to theleft of the laser). Hit the top-left mirror eight squares to the left,one square down, and orient it so that it looks like a '/' (it shouldbe four squares directly above the previous mirror). Hit the top-rightmirror two squares up and then three squares to the right (it should betwenty-two squares directly to the right of the previous mirror and onesquare below the black stone). Put this mirror in the '/'orientation. Now hit the switch to turn on the laser (don't get hit byor roll over the laser beam). Once it is completely up, go over thebridge to your right.

Room 2: Take some coins and return to the previous room. By turning offand on the laser, hit one of the coins with the laser beam. Take theobject produced (an umbrella), repeat the process, and take the secondumbrella. Now drop one of the coins next to a mirror and hit the mirrorover it. Hit this coin with a value of five with the laser beam toproduce a hammer. Hit the hammer with the laser beam (by turning thelaser off and on) to produce a sword. If you want some more balls, youcan hit mirrors over coins twice and hit the coins of increased value(to ten, the highest possible) with the laser. To return to the roomwith the knights, put the mirrors back in their initial positions,remove all objects blocking the laser, and hit the switch. Now use theright mouse button or the 'tab' key to get the sword in the front(left) of your inventory. Hit some of the knights (four times each) toget past.

Room 3: Use an umbrella and travel over the abyss to the room below youand then into the room to your right. If the ring surrounding you beginsto blink, use another umbrella.

Room 4: Simply match the oxyd stones by hitting oxyds of the same colorsas the activated oxyd stones (one at a time). Don't hit the fartstones (the black stones). You win!

5.2 Hints for Several Levels

I/6: Welcome to the Machine

The message near the upper-right corner contains an important hint.

I/8: Easy?

Put the first shogun stone in the upper left corner, and the secondone above the rightmost shogun dot.

I/31: Where Am I?

Make use of the wooden stones if you have lost your way.

I/32: The Grim Reaper

Ever thought of turning your mouse upside-down???

I/43: Sokoban Revival

Remember? This was the first level in the original Sokoban … So itcan't be that hard!

I/65: Lasers 101

Push two of the mirrors to the top and one to the bottom. By moving themirrors around and by aiming carefully you can hit all of the Oxydstones with a laser beam.

I/72: Way to Go

One of the blue dots behaves differently. Make use of that fact!

I/80: Meditation

Align the marbles horizontally.

II/15: Knock Knock!

Knock the walls.

II/27: Twelve doors

You opened all the doors and still can't get through? You must havemissed something!

II/40: Space Meditation

Ever heard of the three-body problem?

II/44: Pharaos' Tombs

Learn from 'Easy Shifting .'.

II/56: Easy Shifting .

Learn from 'Running Rings'.

II/57: Floppy Swapping

First, find the floppy disk and the magic wand, you will need them.Second, always keep the floppy and the wand with you. Jump desktop 8 2 1966. Third, somestones look alike but don't behave alike.

II/59: The Disappearing Block

Jam the laser. Out of reach (itch) (ejean673, thescootz, monnotone) mac os.

II/65: Laser Magic

It's time to learn a few things about object transformations.Experiment!

II/69: Question of Speed

Or rather: Question of Seed???

II/77: Push Your Way

Find the magic wand first!

II/97: Tool Time

Hide dangerous tools from children.

Enter The Abyss Mac Os Update

II/99: Domain of Mysteries

Step careful in the ladder.

II/100: Patterns

Is there an echo?

III/14: Use the PIN

. or use your favourite encyclopedia if you don't recall the rightnumber.

III/16: Control Panel

The message in the left room tells you how to arrange the blocks on thefirst rows of triggers. From there, use the color codes indicated inthe left room.

III/22: Portable Laser

Be grateful!

III/27: Tricks and Traps

Cannot get out of the first screen? Focus on the small blinking dotfirst. Cannot find the last Oxyd stone? Activate three of the largeblinking dots on the first screen and the small one on the third screen.

III/28: Wells

Afraid to die?

III/29: Push? Pull!

One swap up - One swap down - Puzzle to the right - then keep on!

III/40: Snow White

Three little eskimoes - Wand'ring on an ice field - Couldn't findtheir little igloos - Deep under the snow shield.

III/43: The Ditch

You can't solve this level without a broken ego.

III/49: What's the Problem?

Decoys all over the place … this is a meditation landscape.

III/95: Jump and Run

There's a spring hidden under a mirror.

IV/6: TNT Shortage?

It's easier with a hammer! https://softboomer.mystrikingly.com/blog/list-of-mac-keyboard-symbols.

IV/17: Flood Gates

Move to the next unsolved level


Take a screen shot

Left arrow

Decrease mouse speed

Right arrow

Increase mouse speed


Toggle between full screen and windowed display (doesn't work on allsystems immediately)


Return to the level menu immediately

There are dozens of different game objects you will see in Enigma'slevels. We just want to describe a small assorted set of them here. Ifyou're new to Enigma, you might want to start with the levels in thetutorial pack? Just start Enigma, choose 'Level Pack', then thebutton 'Enigma' in the upper-left corner, then 'Tutorial' on theright. Start with the first level 'Oxyd Stones 1'. The tutorial willshow you the most important objects and ideas, and some of the easierlevels of Enigma.

3.1 Items
3.2 Stones

3.1 Items

3.1.1 Explosives Dynamite and bombs
3.1.2 Umbrellas
3.1.3 Flags Setting the respawn point

3.1.1 Explosives

There are three types of explosives you can come across in Enigma.The most harmless is the stick of dynamite. It doesn't do much damageto floor tiles or neighboring stones when it explodes, but it isuseful for destroying certain stones and for igniting nearby bombs.

Black bombs are powerful enough to destroy most floor tiles and manyother objects. For most purposes, they are the explosive of choice.White bombs have the explosive power of five black bombs-get awayquickly if you see them burn!

3.1.2 Umbrellas

Use umbrellas to make your marble invulnerable for a short amount oftime (ten seconds to be exact). When you activate an umbrella, a whitehalo will appear around your marble for as long as the protection lasts.If the halo starts to blink, you have three seconds to move your marbleto a safe place.

3.1.3 Flags

Flags are primarily useful on long and dangerous journeys. If yourmarble is destroyed, the new marble will appear where you lastdropped a flag, instead of at the beginning of the level. There are twotypes of flags: a black one and a white one, which set the startingpoint of the black and the white marble respectively.

3.2 Stones

3.2.1 Lethal Stones
3.2.2 Swap Stones
3.2.3 Mirrors
3.2.4 Oneway Stones
3.2.5 Shogun Stones
3.2.6 Bolder Stones
3.2.7 Puzzle Stones
3.2.8 Mail Stones

3.2.1 Lethal Stones

There are two kinds of stones that you should avoid at all costs, atleast if you do not have an umbrella to protect your precious marble.

The skull stone is as unhealthy as it looks; touch it andperish. Really, you have been warned. There's an even more cunningvariant that is invisible; don't forget your magic glasses.

The black knight often guards important passageways, and he'sgenerally not in the mood to let you pass. Bring a goodargument to 'convince' him.

3.2.2 Swap Stones

Swap stones do not simply move to an adjacent (empty) field when beingpushed; instead, they change places with the stone they are beingpushed into. The only way to move a swap stone from one place toanother is consequently to repeatedly interchange it with other'normal' stones.

3.2.3 Mirrors

Laser beams can be deflected with the help of mirror stones.There are two types of mirrors in Enigma: plane mirrors and triangularmirrors. A plane mirror behaves like an ordinary mirror: An incominglaser beam is reflected if it is perpendicular to the mirror anddeflected to the left or right if it hits the mirror at an angle of 45degrees.

Triangular mirrors are a little more tricky: The three faces behavelike regular mirrors, either reflecting or deflecting an incidentbeam. But a beam that falls on the tip of the triangle gets splitinto two outgoing beams that travel in opposite directions.

Both types of mirrors can additionally be semitransparent ormovable. Semitransparent mirrors deflect part of the incoming beamjust like their opaque siblings do, but part of the beam continuesunchanged. Movable mirrors are mounted on a light gray stone,immovable mirrors on a dark gray stone.

You can turn mirrors by touching them lightly with your marble. But becareful with mirrors that is already inside a laser beam, it is easy toinadvertently destroy your marble!

3.2.4 Oneway Stones

One can only pass these stones in one direction. Whole labyrinths canbe build out of them, but mostly they force you to complete one partof the level before passing to the next one.

You have problems with a oneway stone that blocks your way? Maybe amagic item is able to help you .

3.2.5 Shogun Stones

In some levels you will encounter blinking blue dots on the floor.They can be activated with the right combination of shogunstones, whereupon they usually do something useful like opening doorsor creating bridges.

A small blinking dot is activated by moving a shogun stone with asmall hole on top of it. To activate the bigger dots a single shogunstone is not sufficient. Instead, you have to properly stack two or threeshogun stones by pushing stones with small holes into stones withlarger holes. If you want to activate a medium sized dot, forexample, you have to first place a shogun stone with a medium sizedhole on it and then push a small-holed stone into the bigger one.

3.2.6 Bolder Stones

Bolder stones move in the directionshown by the arrow on them until they bump into another stone. Maybethey block your way and you have to get rid of them some way or theother. But never, never stand in front of one, as it shatters yourmarble instantly, when the bolder stone overruns it!

However, you might make use of them, too, as they are able to openoxyds, when they bump into them. And you can redirect the bolderstones in several ways .

3.2.7 Puzzle Stones

Puzzle stones derive their name from the fact that individual stonescan be put together like the pieces of a puzzle. Puzzle stones havesockets on some or all of their four sides which can attach to socketson adjacent stones. Once linked up, groups of puzzle stones move as aunit. You can use these blocks, for example, to build bridges acrossabyss or water.

When hit with a magic wand, puzzle stones behave differently. If theblock of puzzle stones is fully connected (i.e., it has no opensockets), the block immediately starts to explode, stone by stone. Ifthe block is not fully connected, the stones in the row or column thatwas hit get shifted by one place either horizontally or vertically.

There's a rare variant of the common puzzle stone that behaves alittle differently. The main habitat of this are the levels of Oxyd1, and it's recognizable by the color of its pipes, which is orangeinstead of the usual blue. These puzzle stones cannot be moved as aunit. They behave like the blue puzzle stones do when you hit themwith a magic wand: the block explodes if it's fully connected, orthe touched row or column of the block gets shuffled.

3.2.8 Mail Stones

Mail stones can be used to send items from your inventory to someinaccessible place in the landscape. When you roll against a mailstone, the first object in your inventory gets removed and put at theend of the pipeline attached to the mail stone. In most cases youwill have to build this pipeline yourself, for example by 'mailing'individual pipe objects.

Be careful: the mail stone does not work if there is already an objectat the end of the pipeline. It's very easy to inadvertently sendobjects that afterwards block the pipeline, so be careful!

4.1 User Level Packs History, Search Results and Auto
4.2 Backup What to backup for security
4.3 Registering Scores Let the world know your success
4.4 Updating Enigma Keeping scores and levels on an update

Enter The Abyss Mac Os X

4.1 User Level Packs

The Level Pack Menu provides some additional features. The`User' group has three level packs that are initially empty:`Auto Folder', `History' and `Search Result'.

By clicking on the `Search' button in the level pack menu you can search inthe pool of levels. Just move the mouse to the text field and enter the string tosearch. You may search within author, title and file name. The search is case insensitve. For example, you can search for the string 'jump'. The resulting levels will be provided as a level pack called 'Search Results'.

The level pack `History' is updated automatically with every level you play.This may be useful if you look for a level you played last week but do not knowthe keywords to search for.

The `Auto Folder' is a level pack that you can use to add newlevels, for example levels you download from the Internet or write yourself. The folder in which you shouldstore the levels is `levels/auto' on the `User Path' as shown inGame Options. Levels in this folder are automatically found andloaded by Enigma when it starts.

Enigma provides many more useful features beyond the scope of this manual.Please read the reference manual for more details.

4.2 Backup

If you are afraid of losing all your scores due to a hard drivefailure, or if you want to transfer your scores from one computer toanother, it is helpful to know how to back up Enigma's statusinformation. To do that, first look up `User Path' from Enigma'sGame Options menu. You can simply back up that folder--theimportant files are `enigma.score' and `state.xml'.

4.3 Registering Scores

For registration of your scores you need to send us the `enigma.score'file located at the folder `User Path'. Please look at the projecthomepage for more detailed instructions.

To automatically download the updated world record score lists you just need toenable the option `Ratings Update'.

4.4 Updating Enigma

If you did not customize your old Enigma version simply deinstall the oldversion and install the new one. That is all you have to do as your scores willbe updated automatically.

Just in case you added levels to the Enigma installation directories you haveto backup them prior deinstallation. After that you can safely deinstall theold version and install the new one.

The old score file `~/.enigmarc2' for systems with a `HOME' environmentvariable or `./Application Data/enigmarc.lua2' for HOMEless Windows systemsis converted automatically to the new score format. You can remove the old scoreafter the first successful run of Enigma 1.00.

If you want to read levels that you saved from the old installation pleaseread the reference manual.

This chapter contains hints for some of the difficult levels. You arestrongly advised not to read the spoilers unless you arecompletely stuck. Some levels are intentionally difficult and evenveteran Enigma players need hours to solve them. Some levels areeasier to solve in easy game mode (see section The Level Menu).

5.1 Walkthrough for Advanced Tutorial
5.2 Hints for Several Levels

5.1 Walkthrough for Advanced Tutorial

The landscapes in the 'Tutorial' level pack are supposed to be easy.Except for the last one, which is not . This section of the manual wascontributed by Jacob Scott.

This walkthrough is for my level 'Advanced Tutorial' in the'Tutorial' level pack (to change level packs, click on 'Level Pack'at the bottom-left of the screen and select a level pack). While youare playing, you should read all the documents in a room as soon aspossible.

The final goal for this level, as for most Enigma levels, is to find andhit 'Oxyd' stones with your black ball. When you hit an oxyd stone, itopens and shows a color. If you hit two oxyd stones of the same color ina row, they will both stay open. Once you've matched up all pairs ofoxyd stones in a level, you have completed the level.

The level contains about twenty rooms, organized into three separateareas. In the first area, you will be encounter some of the basicblocks and floor types you will see in Enigma levels and solve a coupleof simple puzzles. The second area is more challenging and willintroduce you to a useful technique in outthinking an active enemy. Thethird and final area leads you to experiment with more advancedinteractions between Enigma objects. In this particular level, all ofthe oxyd stones can be found in a single room at the end of area 3.

5.1.1 Area 1

You start in a room surrounded by immovable walls except for a gap tothe right, some water near the bottom-left, and a closed gate near thetop-left.

Room 1: Go through the gap in the wall to the right.

Room 2: Simply avoid the blocks with pictures of skulls on them.

Room 3: Push the four wooden blocks into the water in the same row tocreate a bridge to the opposite bank. Now hit the blackish blocks to theright. Move the tan blocks out of the way (maybe to the left) andbridge to the right with the two wooden blocks.

Room 4: Go close to the top. When it begins to chase you, lead it tothe left and around the blocks in the center of the room. Once the topis far enough away from the entrance to the next room, run through.

Room 5: The only dangers here are the skulls near the bottom of theroom. The first floor type is metal--this floor is similar to the'leaves' floor that you have been traveling on so far. The next floortype is 'red'--it is somewhat difficult to slow down or speed up onthis floor. The third floor type is ice--there is little friction onthis floor. The last floor type is space--there is no friction here;you can't change velocity (speed and direction) when you are on thistype of floor.

Room 6: Simply go over the slopes. Then exit to the left by passing overthe 'inverse' floor--when you are on this type of floor and you pushthe mouse (or similar controller) in one direction, the ball speeds upin the opposite direction (if you are having trouble here, try turningyour mouse around 180 degrees).

Room 7: Try to get the extra ball by putting the movable block on thelower trigger. First hit it up one square and then left sixsquares. Next hit it five squares down and two squares to the right.Finally hit it one square up and one square to the left. Take the extraball and then put the block on the other trigger to open the gate in theleft wall of the room.

Room 8: Take the dynamite (you will have to go on the ice) and drop itin front of the yellow blocks to blow them up and get past. The spadeis unnecessary but you should still experiment with it.

Room 9: Hit the lowest movable block to the left. Now the boulderstrying to go to the right are blocking your path. Hit the rightmostmovable block (to the left or to the right) to let the boulderspast. Take the magic wand (don't accidentally hit any boulders whenthe magic wand is in the front of your inventory) and hit the movableblock above the water down. Now go back to the right of the room, putthe magic wand in the front of your inventory, and hit the top threeboulders of the long column (try not to get run over by anyboulders). Hit the leftmost movable block to the left and go into thenext room.

Room 10: Hit the switch. Now hit the two tan blocks up (one squareeach). Hit the middle (from top to bottom) wooden block to the left andthe wooden block that used to be right above it up into the water. Hitthe rest of the blocks into the water in the same column (try not todrown). Now hit the window (the blue line) with high speed. Take theball and cross over to the bridge into the first room. From there gothrough the open gate.

5.1.2 Area 2

In area two, you will encounter a rotor, which is an active enemy ofyour black ball. Different rotors can act slightly differently, but theyare never very smart. The way to get past it is to trick it to do whatyou want it to do, while keeping yourself out of danger.

Look around this area (but don't hit the movable block yet). You need toget through the three closed gates at the top of this area.

First gate: Hit the white ball to the left (don't accidentally gothrough the black one-way block) to free it (this may require a fewtries). Take the spoon and hit the white ball through the white one-wayblock hard enough so that it doesn't get stuck. Now go through the blackone-way block and hit the white ball through the passageway. Hit thewhite ball hard enough through the next white one-way block so itdoesn't get stuck beneath it. Once the white ball is through, use thespoon; you restart at the beginning of the level and are no longertrapped. Go back up through the gate--the first gate near the top ofthis room is open.

Second gate: Hit the movable block in the rightmost room of this area tothe right and run. A document with useful information should appear inthe gate connecting area one and area two. Bring the rotor (by making itchase you, like you did with the top) to above the wall to the right ofthe gate between the first two areas. Run through the gate and go overthe bridge to the room below you. Hit the switch to close the gate andreturn to the room where you initially started. You will no longer beable to see the rotor--it won't be in the room where you will be--butif you look carefully, you will be able to see where it is. The goalhere is to, without exposing yourself to any danger, get the rotor to goto a trigger and open a gate for you. Get the rotor to follow you fromthe top-right of this room to the top-left of the room. It should bepushed to the left by some slopes. Bring the rotor down on the leftuntil it will not continue and you hear the sound of a trigger beingpushed. Hit the switch to open the gate and return to area two--thesecond gate should be open.

Third gate: Simply hit the movable block that the rotor started underto the trigger in the room where it started. Return to the room to yourleft--the third gate should be open. Go through the three opengates.

5.1.3 Area 3

In area three you need to explore the interactions between particularEnigma objects. Here you will find lasers, mirrors, and coins. You willneed to solve a simple laser-and-mirror puzzle to get a laser to hit aparticular stone, which will open a bridge to the next room. To get pastthe next few rooms, you will need to create some new objects by hittingexisting objects with the laser beam.

In the first part of this area there are three mirrors and a laser witha switch.

Room 1: You need to get the laser to hit the black stone. Hit thebottom-left mirror down one square and orient it so that it looks like a' by hitting it slowly (it should be thirty squares directly to theleft of the laser). Hit the top-left mirror eight squares to the left,one square down, and orient it so that it looks like a '/' (it shouldbe four squares directly above the previous mirror). Hit the top-rightmirror two squares up and then three squares to the right (it should betwenty-two squares directly to the right of the previous mirror and onesquare below the black stone). Put this mirror in the '/'orientation. Now hit the switch to turn on the laser (don't get hit byor roll over the laser beam). Once it is completely up, go over thebridge to your right.

Room 2: Take some coins and return to the previous room. By turning offand on the laser, hit one of the coins with the laser beam. Take theobject produced (an umbrella), repeat the process, and take the secondumbrella. Now drop one of the coins next to a mirror and hit the mirrorover it. Hit this coin with a value of five with the laser beam toproduce a hammer. Hit the hammer with the laser beam (by turning thelaser off and on) to produce a sword. If you want some more balls, youcan hit mirrors over coins twice and hit the coins of increased value(to ten, the highest possible) with the laser. To return to the roomwith the knights, put the mirrors back in their initial positions,remove all objects blocking the laser, and hit the switch. Now use theright mouse button or the 'tab' key to get the sword in the front(left) of your inventory. Hit some of the knights (four times each) toget past.

Room 3: Use an umbrella and travel over the abyss to the room below youand then into the room to your right. If the ring surrounding you beginsto blink, use another umbrella.

Room 4: Simply match the oxyd stones by hitting oxyds of the same colorsas the activated oxyd stones (one at a time). Don't hit the fartstones (the black stones). You win!

5.2 Hints for Several Levels

I/6: Welcome to the Machine

The message near the upper-right corner contains an important hint.

I/8: Easy?

Put the first shogun stone in the upper left corner, and the secondone above the rightmost shogun dot.

I/31: Where Am I?

Make use of the wooden stones if you have lost your way.

I/32: The Grim Reaper

Ever thought of turning your mouse upside-down???

I/43: Sokoban Revival

Remember? This was the first level in the original Sokoban … So itcan't be that hard!

I/65: Lasers 101

Push two of the mirrors to the top and one to the bottom. By moving themirrors around and by aiming carefully you can hit all of the Oxydstones with a laser beam.

I/72: Way to Go

One of the blue dots behaves differently. Make use of that fact!

I/80: Meditation

Align the marbles horizontally.

II/15: Knock Knock!

Knock the walls.

II/27: Twelve doors

You opened all the doors and still can't get through? You must havemissed something!

II/40: Space Meditation

Ever heard of the three-body problem?

II/44: Pharaos' Tombs

Learn from 'Easy Shifting .'.

II/56: Easy Shifting .

Learn from 'Running Rings'.

II/57: Floppy Swapping

First, find the floppy disk and the magic wand, you will need them.Second, always keep the floppy and the wand with you. Jump desktop 8 2 1966. Third, somestones look alike but don't behave alike.

II/59: The Disappearing Block

Jam the laser. Out of reach (itch) (ejean673, thescootz, monnotone) mac os.

II/65: Laser Magic

It's time to learn a few things about object transformations.Experiment!

II/69: Question of Speed

Or rather: Question of Seed???

II/77: Push Your Way

Find the magic wand first!

II/97: Tool Time

Hide dangerous tools from children.

Enter The Abyss Mac Os Update

II/99: Domain of Mysteries

Step careful in the ladder.

II/100: Patterns

Is there an echo?

III/14: Use the PIN

. or use your favourite encyclopedia if you don't recall the rightnumber.

III/16: Control Panel

The message in the left room tells you how to arrange the blocks on thefirst rows of triggers. From there, use the color codes indicated inthe left room.

III/22: Portable Laser

Be grateful!

III/27: Tricks and Traps

Cannot get out of the first screen? Focus on the small blinking dotfirst. Cannot find the last Oxyd stone? Activate three of the largeblinking dots on the first screen and the small one on the third screen.

III/28: Wells

Afraid to die?

III/29: Push? Pull!

One swap up - One swap down - Puzzle to the right - then keep on!

III/40: Snow White

Three little eskimoes - Wand'ring on an ice field - Couldn't findtheir little igloos - Deep under the snow shield.

III/43: The Ditch

You can't solve this level without a broken ego.

III/49: What's the Problem?

Decoys all over the place … this is a meditation landscape.

III/95: Jump and Run

There's a spring hidden under a mirror.

IV/6: TNT Shortage?

It's easier with a hammer! https://softboomer.mystrikingly.com/blog/list-of-mac-keyboard-symbols.

IV/17: Flood Gates

Carefully flooding certain areas can be useful. Do not leave the firstroom without activating the lower switch. The many switches on thelower left all do the same.

IV/25: Light Switches

Jam the lasers in case you're not fast enough.

IV/27: Robbery

Enter the bank through cracks in the floor.

IV/34: Running Rings

Learn from 'Pharao's Tomb'.

IV/39: How Many Spirals?

Some people jump out of the window when there's fire - do it theother way around.

IV/47: Just Moving Blocks?

Too many wooden blocks? How could you remove one?

IV/48: Artillery

The cannonball also opens oxyds.

IV/54: Fire Safety

The trigger hurts you? Destroy it!

IV/64: The Flagstone Reaper

It processes.

IV/65: Little Bit of Everything

Find a way to shatter.

V/15: Solvable?

Does WNSE remind you of something?

V/16: Draggers

Admitted, this level is evil. There's a seed hidden near your startingpoint.

V/24: Space Pirates

This one is tricky. Ignite a bomb near the wooden stones.

V/32: Walk the Plank

Not enough of a pirate to master the this level? There is adifferent, easier route.

V/34: Island of Safety

First analyse one-hundreds.

V/45: Psycho Pushing

Hit and race.

V/58: Now What?

When you see the cross, what should the array show next?

V/78: Don't Be Greedy

There's a better hint somewhere in this manual.

V/89: Ice-Bomb

There's a better hint hidden under the oxyd.

V/91: Firefox

Floor burns faster.

VI/8: Orbitting

Don't let anything touch the borders.

VI/23: Prepare Your Defense

The laser changes more than items.

esprit 43

Sacrifice to the volcano.

esprit 52

Play it to the date.

esprit 100

Blast the corner.

Oxyd Magnum 99 (level 22): Letter Bomb

Bomb the bomb stones.

PerOxyd 49 (level 22): Hidden Treasure

Make sure you always have access to the room with the switch on thefloor. Then search for the second screen with the 'hiddentreasure'.

6.1 Main developers
6.2 Special Thanks
6.3 Contributors
6.4 Utilized Software

6.1 Main developers

Raoul Bourquin

Level admininstration & design, all over invaluable additions

Siegfried Fennig

Level design, graphics

Martin Hawlisch

Level design, graphics, programming

Daniel Heck

Main developer, graphics, documentation

Ronald Lamprecht

XML, Gui, portability, core programming, documentation

Andreas Lochmann

Programming, level administration, level design, documentation

Petr Machata

Level design, programming

Nat Pryce

Level design

Jacob Scott

Enter The Abyss Mac Os 11

Level design

Sven Siggelkow

Level design and special Oxyd expertise

Ralf Westram

Programming, level design

6.2 Special Thanks

Johannes Fortmann

Mac OS X port, some programming, graphics

Dustin Norlander

Designer of the 'Dustismo' font

Jeremy Sawicki

Oxyd file format reverse engineering, Oxydlib

Erich Schubert

Debian/Ubuntu packages

Meinolf Schneider

Original game idea-Thanks!

Andrew 'Necros' Sega

Menu music (Pentagonal Dreams)

David W. Skinner

Many Sokoban levels fromhttp://users.bentonrea.com/~sasquatch/sokoban

6.3 Contributors

For various smaller contributions, thanks go to:

  • Roberto Bardin (Level design)
  • Alain Busser (Level design, French translation, manual)
  • Guy Busser (Level design)
  • Richi Bützer (Level design)
  • capkoh (Level design)
  • Serge Dremuk (Russian translation)
  • Xerxes M. Dynatos (Level design)
  • Edward (Level design)
  • Stephanie Fabian (Invaluable bug reports)
  • Roberto García (Spanish translation)
  • Edwin Groothuis (FreeBSD port)
  • Immanuel Herrmann (Level design)
  • illmind (Level design)
  • Máté Lehel Juhász (Hungarian translation)
  • Samuele Kaplun (Italian translation)
  • Jens-Christian Korth (Level design)
  • Manuel König (Level design, bug reports)
  • Markus Laire (Level design)
  • Dominik Lehmann (Level design)
  • Edward Leuf (Feedback, bug reports)
  • Ingo van Lil (Feedback, bug reports)
  • Frank van der Loo (Dutch translation)
  • Sidney Markowitz (Mac OS X port)
  • moonpearl (Level design)
  • Krishnamurti Lelis Lima Vieira Nunes (Portuguese translation)
  • Daniel Nylander (Swedish translation)
  • Peter Santo (Level design)
  • Lukas Schüller (Level design)
  • Achim Settelmeier (RPM specfile)
  • Jon Sneyers (Level design)
  • Spaceman (Level design)
  • Ulf Stegemann (Level design)
  • Jürgen Sticht (Level design)
  • Andrzej Szombierski (Level design)
  • Tacvek (Lua 5.1 upgrade)
  • Michael Terry (.desktop file)
  • Ray Wick (Level design)
  • Joe Wreschnig (Manual page)

6.4 Utilized Software

Xerces C++
[Top][Contents][Index][ ? ]
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Game
    • 2.1 Getting Started
    • 2.2 Rules of the Game
  • 3. Some Game Objects
    • 3.1 Items
    • 3.2 Stones
  • 4. Advanced Topics
  • 5. Spoilers
    • 5.1 Walkthrough for Advanced Tutorial
  • 6. Credits
[Top][Contents][Index][ ? ]

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      • 1.2.3 Subsubsection One-Two-Three < Current Position
      • 1.2.4 Subsubsection One-Two-Four
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      • .
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This document was generated by Ronald Lamprecht on December, 13 2006 using texi2html 1.76.



What awaits you in the Abyss, you ask? Perhaps you would rather not find out.


  • Move: WASD/Arrow keys (you'll probably wanna use WASD)
  • Select active spell: 1-3 number keys
  • Activate spell: left mouse button
  • Aim: Mouse position
  • Pause: Escape
  • Doing the thing it says it will do when you press 'space': Space bar


  • 1.0.1 - Fixed pause menu not opening

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Made withUnity
TagsDark, Ludum Dare 45, Magic, Pixel Art, Retro, Top down shooter
Average sessionA few minutes
LinksLudum Dare


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